Sex and the City Wiki


Stanford Blatch is Carrie Bradshaw's best friend outside of the 3 women.


Stanford Blatch is a classy gay man, not by stature, as he is physically rather measly, a major dating disadvantage, but definitely in terms of good taste. Stanford is professionally a success and greatly enjoys working with attractive young men, occasionally the same targets as the girls, but has a better instinct to tell which share his preference. He is very social, and gets along well with the quartet, especially Carrie, even mutually sharing confidences and asking advice neither would be at ease with among their own genders, as he often understands women better than they can themselves. Stanford's wit, wisdom and wealth win him more than once an amazingly attractive date, such as underwear model the Bone, a stunning stud who picks him out in an underwear bar because of his Parisian briefs and last but not least Marcus, a magnificent Broadway dancer.

In Sex and the City 2 he marries Anthony Maratino, his former nemesis.


Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie and Stanford have a long-standing relationship built within their younger, wilder days in the New York Cityclub and bar scene in the 1980s. He had said that they have been friends since Carrie was riding the subways and wearing Candie's. Carrie sometimes calls him "Stanny".


Marcus and Stanford start dating in Season 5. In "Boy, Interrupted" they momentarily break up due Stanford finding out that Marcus used to be an escort named "Paul". However, at the end of the episode they make up and get back together.

Anthony Marantino

In "The Real Me", Charlotte tries to set Anthony up with Stanford. Anthony snubs Stanford, which results in resentment and competition ensues for the entire show run. However, in the first film, the two are seen kissing at a New Year's Eve party, and later on in the sequel they get married.


  • Stanford: How can you not have a shrink? This is Manhattan. Even the shrinks have shrinks. I have 3. --Games People Play
  • Stanford: [watching a runway-fallen Carrie get stepped over by Heidi Klum] Oh, my god, she's fashion roadkill!
  • Stanford: I can only stay a few minutes. I got tickets to the Vagina Monologues.
    • Carrie: Why?
    • Stanford: Just because I don't eat at the restaurant doesn't mean I can't hear the specials.
  • joe mama

